James 1:19-27
Once in a while it is good to step back and ask “what is it all about?”
Church life can suck you in: worship on Sundays, care group meetings, sunday school, youth meetings, band practice, committee meetings. These activities beget even more activities: outings, visitations, workshops, bible classes, outreach programs, fellowship programs, meals, birthdays, etc. James however boils religion down to two: look after orphans and widows and maintain a righteous lifestyle.
Of course we must not take James literally. Taking the cue from Jesus’ summary of what is most important in the Law, we can see that loving God would mean wanting to emulate his qualities and what he stands for—righteousness; and loving our neighbour means that we care for their needs, especially when they are not in a position to care for themselves or benefit us in any way—look after orphans and widows.
Nothing that remotely resembles church life, it would seem. None of the list of activities above are bad; indeed they have worthy goals. But we must be careful that our religion (among other things) is one that “God our Father accepts as pure and faultless.”
How can we ensure that we do what pleases God (rather than what we think pleases God)? By being quick to listen (and obey), slow to speak (so our life expresses the goodness of God) and slow to anger (and not express the sinful state of our heart). When you have this teachable attitude in your heart, you will “humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.”
Growing in righteousness and growing in love, as taught by God’s Word. Does this conform with your idea of what being a Christian is all about?