Genesis 2:4-25
Fashioned from the dust of the ground, in common with the rest of creation, man had a unique beginning, with God breathing the breath of life into him. Clearly “the image of God” has to come with a part of the divine, giving man his unique position to rule over God’s creation as his representative.
That unique origin translates to a unique nature. Man must be in community to thrive. It is not good for man to be alone. That makes complete sense because the image of God is expressed in community, not alone. Love, righteousness, compassion, goodness exist only in community.
The companionship envisaged by God cannot be filled by the rest of creation. Not only are they without the spirit of God and his divine qualities, they are also to be ruled over by man. God created woman, one who is his helper and not one for him to rule over. She is his equal; created to stand at his side.
God, in creating the garden for man, in giving him authority to rule over the rest of creation, in delegating him the work of caring for the garden, in granting him freedom except the freedom to harm himself, in giving him a helper that he can have strong bonds with — God is man’s loving creator, ensuring his complete development and growth. His will is for man’s good, his shalom, his welfare.
When we capture this picture of God and all that he has done and continues to do, the only response is to trust him and to love him and to entrust ourselves to him.