Reflecting on John 2:13-25.
The Jewish authorities who asked for a sign from Jesus believed that they were in the position to judge but the truth is that we are only called to recognise and respond. It is true in this time and age, with so many false and deceiving teachings that Christians have to judge and discern truth from error but it is as sheep—my sheep know my voice—rather than as shepherds. There is a great deal of arrogance in the church today.
The arrogance of the Jewish authorities led them further and further away from the truth, until they conspired to kill and then conspired to deceive over the news of the resurrection, thinking that they were in authority over truth. Arrogance shields us from truth.
My Lord, forgive our arrogance and have mercy on us to wake us from the deception that blinds us from seeing our true position as your people. As you have asserted, the church belongs to you and you have graciously allowed us to enter and draw nourishment. Forgive us for making your church as our own house and profaning it.