Psalm 19
“They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the honeycomb.”
It is tempting to look at this psalm and consider how David is able to capture the “general revelation of God” and the “special revelation of God”, as theologians would describe the things we can learn about God from creation and life, and the more specific things we can learn about God from Scripture, that we can never learn from creation. Both revelations are important: General revelation anchors God in reality and emphasises his absolute power and authority, while special revelation reveals his character, his holiness, his wrath, his love, his compassion and mercy, embodied in Jesus Christ.
However, in doing so, we would have missed David’s deep regard for the revelation of God, both general and special. This is a meditation, not a theological discourse, and David lets what he learns of God wash over his soul and responds to it. He makes no distinction between what he learns from Creation and what he learns from Scripture and he moves easily from one to the other, allowing his soul to feast on the truth of God.
We can feel his awe as he listens to the outpouring of praise and glory that emanates from his surroundings. Although the heavens are vast and out of David’s reach, God is even greater, controlling the sun, which is consistently giving warmth and sustaining all life under the sun. The sun is like a bridegroom, shining on his bride, the earth, and a warrior, conquering the darkness and giving life and light to all below.
But David’s God is not far off in heaven, nor is he so glorious as to be unapproachable. The word of God is personal to David: refreshing his soul, enlightening his mind with its wisdom, bringing joy to his heart. God’s word is a source of light and purity helping to build a solid foundation of righteousness as he walks in obedience.
David’s God is like the sun, far greater than he could ever imagine, dependable and generous, but as the sun’s rays fall on him, there is warmth, there is light, and life springs from the soil. “Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer” goes out from his heart, deep calling to Deep.
“May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.”