Revelation 22:1-21
“And they will reign for ever and ever.”
We should read Revelation 22:1-5 as a continuation of John’s description of the new Jerusalem and at this point, we get to the central feature of the city: a river of the water of life with the tree of life straddling it. John tells us that the city will be the source of life and healing; this, it would seem, would be the calling of man, as guardians of the river of the water of life and the tree of life. In the midst of God’s wondrous creation, man will be a source of life and healing, where once man was a source of destruction, decay and death. Together with the Lord God Almighty, and the Lamb, we will now be the true stewards of the vast worlds in God’s creation, and reign with him as his servants for ever and ever.
This is the glory of God’s vision for man and in this vision there is no place for “those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.”
Where do you stand as you read God’s Revelation? Will you continue to be one who is about what is wrong and vile? Or will you be one who is about what is right and holy? If you love what is right and holy then you will love Jesus and all that he stands for, and you will open yourself up to him, to follow him and serve him. “Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city.”
“Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.”