LUKE 1:1-56
Two pregnancies, one received with joy, the other accepted in submission.
God is often multi-layered in his intentions. Elizabeth’s story is fundamentally a story of God’s kindness to a pious couple who had been childless. “He will be a joy and delight to you” reflects the grace and generosity of God’s heart. At the same time, this child is also God’s messenger to announce the beginning of God’s plan for the reconciliation that was prophesied by Malachi just before the years of silence commenced. “Many will rejoice because of his birth”—God’s grace and generosity towards a nation and ultimately, the world.
For Mary, the news was daunting: I am a virgin; I am betrothed to Joseph; what are you asking of me? The angel was quick to reassure her that no one else is involved; the child will be a miracle child without a father, born of the Holy Spirit. Even then, to be with child before her own marriage is finalised carries the stain of scandal. What would Joseph think?
In answer to Mary’s question, the angel told her as a conclusion, after revealing that God’s covenant with David will be fulfilled in the child, “For no word from God will ever fail,” basically reassuring Mary, ”Don’t worry, this is the word of the Lord! Everything will be alright.” Mary’s response, “May your word to me be fulfilled” was to submit to God’s word that will never fail. “I am the Lord’s servant,” she said. Nothing more, nothing less. No fuss, no bargaining.
We all know the rest of the story, but for Mary, waiting with Elizabeth for Joseph’s response to her pregnancy, this is a test of faith that the Lord, in his gentle mercy, provided Elizabeth and Zechariah to both shelter and encourage her. Only they were in the position to understand and believe her.
No word from God will ever fail. This was the assertion by the angel. As we wait in the midst of situations that are yet to be resolved, will we be inspired by the faith of Mary, blessed mother of our Lord, and submit to the sure word of God, as all God’s servants should?