PSALM 34:1-22
You cannot know God by singing songs to him. You cannot know God by listening to sermons. I dare say that you cannot know God by studying the bible.
You have to walk with him.
Once you know him in your life’s experience, those songs you sing become real and meaningful and singing them with others who also know him will be even sweeter. Once you know him the sermons make sense (as preached by someone who also knows him) as they challenge you to grapple with areas in your life, or they open up windows to further your understanding of who God is.
But much more than the songs and the sermons, the Word has a special place in your walk with God, because it is the Word of God; it is his voice. While you cannot know God by studying the bible without responding to the truth that is in it, you cannot walk with God without knowing his voice. Through his voice you know his mind; you know his heart; but only when you respond to him and experience what he does would you truly know.
The God of the Psalmist is one who has heard his cry, who has delivered him, who has answered his questions, who is his guardian, who is his guide, who is his righteousness, who is his delight, who is his life. The God of the Psalmist is not a concept, a silent and distant deity, one who does nothing but takes credit for everything.
Is he your God too? Would you have a vibrant relationship with him, daring to pray, daring to obey, daring to serve, daring to believe, daring to trust?
Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.