Genesis 11, 12, 15, 17
Knowing what we know, this side of the cross, it is awesome to see God putting his plan in motion thousands of years before, by approaching this man, Abram. We know little of him, except that he has few reasons to pull up his tents and leave Harran in pursuit of what was for many years, mere promises. He was obviously well-to-do, and beyond the fact that he was childless, has few needs yet to be met at 75.
We do not know how God encountered him and what form God took. Whatever the motivation, whether it was the encounter with God itself, or the promises, or even the hope of a child, Abram believed God and followed him. “Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness,” an idea that Paul picked up in Romans to argue the plan of God to use faith as the channel for him to work through.
This is not blind faith even though the information in the initial call was very sparse. As we read on we will see an ongoing conversation between Abram and God, questions raised and answered, situations arising and God stepping in to protect Abram. There was a growing relationship over the years and it was only after 24 years that God sought for a formal commitment from Abram/Abraham in the form of circumcision.
As God led Abram to leave the comfort and security of Harran for a journey with him, to small experiences of his protection and favour, to finally a life-long commitment of himself and all his family and possessions, symbolised by circumcision, God too leads us in our journey with him in life towards a similar life-long commitment of ourselves and our family and all our possessions.
“Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward.”
Abraham knew this to be true in his life and experience even though the promises would only be fulfilled long after he had “gone to your ancestors in peace and be buried at a good old age.” I think Abraham had a deep sense of who God is, causing him to be faithful to him, spurning all the false gods of his generation (see for example Genesis 18-19 which we covered on 2021 Week 35 where he discussed justice with God).
“I am your shield, your very great reward.” Perhaps when we first came to God it was because of what he has done for us and what he can do for us. Perhaps we are drawn by the rich promises he bestows on the followers of Jesus. But ultimately, as we journey with him, we should come to know that our greatest treasure is God himself. The best thing we can do is to follow him and keep him close.