Matthew 3:13-17
How can the Holy Spirit dwell in us? How can God adopt us as his children? Why would he? Why does he love us? And how is it that we can enjoy his unreserved endorsement, that he is pleased with us?
It is a mystery. I do not feel especially holy, or exceptional or worthy of even the love of my fellow man, much less the God of the Universe! In fact, I know I am not. But I believe God means it when he gifts me with adoption, affection and approval.
When Jesus, as Man, emerged from the waters of baptism, the Holy Spirit descended on him and the voice of God proclaimed, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” He is the pioneer, the first man who paved the way for all of us to follow. And his experience is now my reality.
I would not waste time to ponder how this can be. It is a mystery, but a wonderful one! I am empowered by the presence of the Holy Spirit in me. My relationship with God is not only restored, it is elevated. Not only does he care about me as his creation, he has decided to love me as son (daughter) for the sake of his Son. And just by trusting his promises, and with vow of allegiance to Jesus to follow him as my master, I too enjoy his pleasure.
I don’t understand it, but I take it with gratitude.
“You are my son (daughter), whom I love; with you I am well pleased.”
Amen, amen, amen! Thank you, Jesus. I worship you for all you have done to get me to this point. May I never abuse your sacrifice. Holy Spirit, help me that I may not disappoint my Father. Father, Abba, Father.