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Joshua 1:9-18
Ultimately it is God who will get the church “across the Jordan and into the Promised Land”; from being a motley collection of people to Israel, the people of God. If that is the case, then what we need is clear.
Firstly faith and not fear. Fear stops us while faith moves us. That faith must not only reside in the leaders; it must be instilled in the members as well. It could well be that at times the Lord stops us from a particular direction, but always in order to direct us to where he wants us to be and to do. Is your church stagnant or vibrant?
Secondly, God-interest and group-interest and not self-interest. When members care only for themselves then the blessing of God will dry up because they do not care to bless others around them when they are blessed by God. God’s resources are channeled through his People for his Purposes and his Church. Is your church overflowing with blessing and thanksgiving or is it dry and in need?
Thirdly, God-led and obedient. The primary responsibility of leadership is to be in fellowship with God, hearing his voice and responding to his direction. It falls on the rest of the church to act in response to their leadership and bring to fruition the vision and direction set by the leaders, as received from God. Is your church purposeful or is it maintaining a cycle of activities? Is there unity or are members doing what they please?
In all these, what part do you play? Where are you strong? Where are you weak? Consider these matters seriously before God.