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Mark 4:35 – 5:43
When we cannot control the world around us, that is when we begin to be afraid. The other response for us who are Christians is to rest on faith. Fear or faith? That is the question.
The disciples were afraid during the storm because clearly it is beyond their control, perhaps even beyond their experience. But when they saw right before their eyes that Jesus is greater than the storm, they were terrified.
Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?
The man possessed by the demons had no such fear, but not the demons; and rightly so, because the wicked fear the righteous Son of God. But why did the villagers fear when they could see that Jesus brought calm and sanity? They fear because they know they cannot control Jesus and so they pleaded with him to leave, never mind what blessings he could bring them. They fear they might lose what they have, and they don’t care about what they might gain. Isn’t it true that many fear to come to Christ for this very reason?
The woman thought she did not deserve her healing. She took it surreptitiously, wanting to slink away with her prize. But Jesus wants to give her a greater gift: not just her dignity but an invitation to place her faith in him, to know that he welcomes her. Surely after the events of his death and resurrection she would know what he meant: your faith has healed you.
Don’t be afraid; just believe.
And that fear Jairus also had to confront in the face of death. Surely it is the end. Who has authority over death? But the Jesus who demonstrated that he is greater than the storm now demonstrates that he is greater than death.
Time and again Jesus confronts us to readjust our view of him, that he is awe-inspiring and gentle at the same time. Time and again he wants to show us his power and majesty and gently tells us, don’t be afraid; just believe.