JOSHUA 24:1-15
- Take time to be quiet, until you can focus on being in the presence of God. Read the text until you can understand what it says. If you have any initial thoughts, write them down.
- “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says.” In this summary of God’s relationship with Israel, what does God convey to the Israelites about Himself? Why did he begin with Abraham, who was their ancestor, and not Moses, or even Joshua, who are a part of their actual experiences? What is the impression you have of God from these accounts of his relationship with Israel?
- “So I gave you a land on which you did not toil and cities you did not build; and you live in them and eat from vineyards and olive groves that you did not plant.” Can you make a parallel between what God did for Israel and what He did for you in your experience of salvation? What does that show you about God?
- “But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” In Joshua 1, God promised Joshua, who had just taken leadership after the passing of Moses: “As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.” 24 chapters later, Joshua is now at the end of his journey. What do you think is the basis for Joshua’s decision?
- What is your own history with God so far? What is the basis of your own decision to follow Jesus as Saviour and Lord?
- Write down a prayer in response.
JOSHUA 24:1-15
- Take time to be quiet, until you can focus on being in the presence of God. If you have any initial thoughts, write them down.
- Read the passage. Review the answers/thoughts you wrote down yesterday. Is there anything that you need to respond to?
- Review the past day. What concerns/joys/events occupy your heart?
- Write down a prayer in response.
JOSHUA 24:14-24
- Take time to be quiet, until you can focus on being in the presence of God. Read the text until you can understand what it says. If you have any initial thoughts, write them down.
- What was the choice that was put to the Israelites? What were they to do to demonstrate their choice to serve God?
- How did the Israelites respond? What was the basis of their response? How did Joshua challenge their choice?
- “Now then,” said Joshua, “throw away the foreign gods that are among you and yield your hearts to the Lord, the God of Israel.” For the Israelites, what were the implications of their choosing to serve God? What are the implications for you?
- Write down a prayer in response.
JOSHUA 24:14-24
- Take time to be quiet, until you can focus on being in the presence of God. If you have any initial thoughts, write them down.
- Read the passage. Review the answers/thoughts you wrote down yesterday. Is there anything that you need to respond to?
- Review the past day. What concerns/joys/events occupy your heart?
- Write down a prayer in response.
JOSHUA 24:25-33
- Take time to be quiet, until you can focus on being in the presence of God. Read the text until you can understand what it says. If you have any initial thoughts, write them down.
- The public confession, the written record, the renunciation of other gods, the memorial stone were all symbols of the covenant between the people and God. What role can these symbols play? What symbolised your own commitment to follow Jesus?
- “Israel served the Lord throughout the lifetime of Joshua and of the elders who outlived him and who had experienced everything the Lord had done for Israel.” Read Joshua 1:7-9. What was the foundation of Joshua’s success in keeping Israel close to God?
- What can you do to ensure that you remain true to your own commitment to follow Jesus?
- Write down a prayer in response.
JOSHUA 24:25-33
- Take time to be quiet, until you can focus on being in the presence of God. If you have any initial thoughts, write them down.
- Read the passage. Review the answers/thoughts you wrote down yesterday. Is there anything that you need to respond to?
- Review the past day. What concerns/joys/events occupy your heart?
- Write down a prayer in response.
God makes choices and He honors his choices. That was the key message in that recounting of His relationship with Israel. From his covenant with Abraham, right to the point when Israel enters the Promised Land, God honored his promises.
The one requirement is that Israel must worship Him exclusively and serve Him faithfully. A choice to serve God is a choice to reject all other gods. If it was a situation where several gods exist, this would seem mercenary. But in truth it was a choice to align with the One True God or to chase after false gods who will be unable to do anything. The one requirement was a requirement of reality, like being required to breathe air in order to live.
Joshua made his choice a long time ago and took God’s promises and his instructions to heart. And the result was as God promised. That now, at the end of his life, Joshua brought Israel to confront their choice shows how important Joshua has known it to be. And he made it clear to Israel that choosing also means rejecting. Yielding also means repudiating. And that God will never be taken for a fool.
God honors his choices. And we should take comfort from that. And He requires that we honor ours as well. Joshua’s life-long experience demonstrates how much he, his family, and his country were blessed because he made the good choice to obey The One Who Keeps His Promises.
- Take time to be quiet, until you can focus on being in the presence of God. If you have any initial thoughts, write them down.
- Review the answers/thoughts you wrote down in the past week. What conclusion can you draw from the passages of Scripture you have been considering? Is there anything that you need to respond to?
- Read the short sharing above. Does it add anything to your conclusion?
- Review the past week. What concerns/joys/events occupy your heart?
- Write down a prayer in response.