What is the Quiet Time all about?
- Sometimes we call it “devotions”.
- It is a time we spend in fellowship with God, sharing with him and listening as he shares with us.
- It is NOT a bible study although reading/understanding/meditating on a bible passage is how we “listen as he shares with us”.
- It is NOT a prayer session although we should be free to share with him our concerns.
- It is NOT a self-examination session or confession session although this is a time to be honest about ourselves.
- It is all of the above in varying proportions as the situation and needs dictate.
- It is above all a time when we are acutely aware that we are spending this time in God’s presence.
- Half an hour, every day; aim for a minimum of 3 days a week.
- Quiet, so you focus on yourself and on God
- Life, people and events: now that you are in his presence, remind yourself of the things that happened, the people that remain on your mind and heart, and the matters that occupy your heart so that you are now aware that He is also aware of what is in your heart
- Word, so you can hear Him speak and can ponder on His truth and listen to His concerns
- Prayer, worship, thanksgiving, as your response to God
- Time – a fixed time when you are unlikely to be interrupted is best but more important is to start having such a time with God, and then work out the best times for you.
- Quiet – A simple method is to be quiet until you are aware you are in God’s presence before you start to respond to Him. This is a time to speak and listen rather than to be distracted or be controlled by your emotions. In other words, this time is about you and Him.
- Life – Use the time to also be aware of the things that are happening, inside you and around you. Bring these before God and speak to Him. Don’t think that such conversations must end when your session ends; God is with you in Spirit and so you can converse with Him anywhere and anytime.
- Word – Read and be familiar with what is said. Meditate on the Word: “What does it say?” “What does it mean?” “How should I respond?” You may use the questions in the guides to help you or set them aside and look at the text from your own perspective. Don’t be fixated about answering all the questions. They are only there to help, not dictate.
- I copy the Word files to my Google Drive and then use Google Docs so they are not only archived in my Google Drive, but I can also access them wherever I have internet access.
- Don’t be fixated on the questions. Skip them if they are not helpful. The important things are the text, your thoughts/responses and God.
- Also don’t be fixated on the sequence of weeks. You can start anywhere. Each week’s guide goes from Monday to Sunday and focuses on 1 section of text, usually a chapter. Be free to set the dates/days however you wish.
- I find writing down my answers/thoughts/prayers very helpful to focus my mind. Even the matters that occupy my mind. They help me remember and I can always refer back to them and perhaps see a pattern over time.
If you’re all set, click on “devotions” on the menu at the top or click here to have a look at the guides I have written. Click here (or click “downloads” on the top menu) if you are ready to download.
Further Reading
4 Simple Ways to Use Time Alone with God